is the Free-Speech Social Network for Conservatives only.
We review all new users and keep our site free of bots, trolls, fake news and hateful rhetoric. We respect people of all races and religions and we support our friends around the world who respect women's rights and freedom for their people.Our platform is 100% Community Funded. No 3rd-party ads. The site is uncensored, but moderated to protect its members against hatred, threats, violent rhetoric and woke ideology. This is a site for celebrating America's greatness. We support the brave men and women who have fought for, and still fight for this great nation and its allies across the world. We support our military, law enforcement and the U.S. Constitution. We protect User Data. We do not sell User information to anybody for any reason. We use the best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain the highest levels of security. You can control your own privacy and share what you want with who you want. It's YOUR platform.
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